2008 in review: Blogland and beyond
Hey. Still grateful here.
Just a little more than a year ago, we decided at the last minute to go to Norway for the holidays. My husband’s grandmother was gravely ill, and we hoped to see her one more time. (She died just a few days before we got there.)
I put out a desperate call to a bunch of blogfriends, asking if they would be willing to guest post in my absence. I was humbled with the response. I had guest posts for almost every day I was away.
So I’m still grateful.
For …
For …
Linda Jones for letting me blog at You’ve Got Your Hands Full.

Linda also gave me free rein to redesign the blog, which I did over my crazy summer. I had some hits and misses. A photographer promised the use of an image then wouldn’t return e-mails or telephone calls. So I scrambled for a suitable replacement, and I got something even better. I called on someone I knew, Kristine Freed.
With the help of Kristine and Sherilyn Brinker of Brinker-Freed Photographyand new mother-of-twins Kerrin Laari and her 5-week-old babies, Elise and Ian, I had a fabulous image to use on the blog.
None of it would have happened, though, without Jo-Lynne at DCR Design. She made the header and buttons, arranged and rearranged everything and even called me to give me a crash course in making my own changes. (Though I’m still fairly hopeless in that department.) I would have made a big announcement on the blog by now, but I’m having technical difficulties with Typepad, and I haven’t been able to sign on. As soon as I get it figured out, though, I’ll get something posted.
For …
For …
Citizen of the Month for a great experience, The Interview Experiment, and meeting two new blogfriends at A Juicy Life (now Notre Vie Juteuse since she moved to France) and The Would-Be Writers Guild.
For …
For …
Bob for his review of Final Salute.
For …
For …
- Everyone who stopped by to read and/or comment.
Happy New Year.
Posted by Becky @
3:46 pm |
Do you think I qualify for TravHell?

Well, it’s not like you can go vote for me or anything. The blog-sponsors will do the judging. But, hey, I figured my travel experience sucks as bad as the next person’s. Ya think?
So …and the pursuit of happiness, Hotfessional and Sass Attack are running a contest to see who has the suckiest TravHell stories to tell. They’re even giving away prizes. (Think they can get my $6,000 refund? OK. Probably not. But I bet it’s better’n a bag of airline peanuts.)
Here’s my story. It’s all one trip. It’s just so hellacious that I can’t fit it into one post.
Got a horrifying TravHell experience? You can enter until Feb. 3. Go check it out.
Posted by Becky @
11:07 pm |
And the winner is …

Rhonda Van Diest!
One signed copy of The Ghost in the House: Motherhood, Raising Children, and Struggling with Depression by Tracy Thompson is on the way. Thanks, Rhonda, and thanks to everyone who played along. Big thanks to Tracy, too.
Posted by Becky @
9:51 pm |
Are you free for lunch Nov. 15?

Here’s what you do.
- 1) Register for the teleconference. (It’s free.)
- 2) Leave a comment or e-mail me so I can add you to the list.
- 3) Call on Nov. 15.
- 4) Blog your reaction, and send me the link. (If you don’t have a blog, you can guest post here.)
- 5) Win the book! (I’ll draw a name at random.)
Join us, won’t you?
Corporate Voices for Working Families says it focuses on “Five Pillars of Work,” 1) Afterschool Care and Early Childhood Education, 2) Youth Transitions, 3) Mature Workforce, 4) Flexibility and 5) Lower Wage Work.
Members of Corporate Voices are companies affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce through their local chambers. The Chamber, which ranks first in lobbying spending ($72.7 million in 2006), holds this position on labor and workforce:
Oppose expanding workplace laws and craft alternatives when necessary. Aggressively oppose union-backed proposals to increase the minimum wage and abolish secret ballot elections in favor of card check majorities for union recognition. Oppose any efforts to expand Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave or mandate paid sick leave. Block attempts to increase penalties for criminal violations of OSHA. Continue to expose unreasonable union organization tactics such as salting and corporate campaigns. Protect the use of binding arbitration in employment. Aggressively advocate for pro-employer provisions in priority international labor and employment policy proposals. Continue to push for a reasonable application of the revised Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility guidelines.
The U.S. Chamber believes NCLB is one of the critical tools needed to transform U.S. education so that all students graduate academically prepared for college, citizenship, and the 21st century workplace.
- The Chamber supported the presidential veto of SCHIP (State Children’s Health Insurance Program).
- The Chamber opposes a bill that would give employees seven paid sick days each year. More here.
What will they say about you? Tune in and find out.
Posted by Becky @
7:16 pm |
And the winner is …

Heather McGuire! Congrats and enjoy. Thanks to everyone who played along. I’ve got another autographed copy to give away. (Thanks, Tracy!) Stay tuned.
Posted by Becky @
8:30 pm |
Leave a comment, win a prize: MOTHERS for PPD Act

Updated to add: We have a winner! Announcement coming soon.
I saw that Tracy and Devra blogged about it. Then I saw that Sarah blogged about it. Then I saw lots of other people blogged about it.***
:::Hello, people (Devra, Sarah, Tracy)! You have my telephone number. Why didn’t you call me?::: So I’m late to the party. But, hey, I’m here, and it’s not over yet. Now where is my margarita?
Anyway, here’s the scoop. Today is Blog Day for the MOTHERS Act (S. 1375). Postpartum Support International, BlogHer and Postpartum Progress are supporting the passage of The MOTHERS Act — The Moms Opportunity to Access Help, Education, Research and Support for Postpartum Depression Act. Sponsored by Sens. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and Richard Durbin, D-Ill., the act would ensure that new mothers and their families are educated about PPD, screened for symptoms and provided with essential services. It will also increase research into the causes, diagnoses and treatments for PPD.

Tracy knows a thing or two about maternal depression. She wrote a book about it called The Ghost in the House: Real Mothers Talk About Maternal Depression, Raising Children, and How They Cope. (And I got to meet her IRL earlier this month.)
Leave a comment, and I will put your name in a hat for a drawing of an autographed copy of Tracy’s book. Better yet, contact your senator, then leave a comment, then win a book. (Sarah‘s giving away a book too.)

***Aw, jeez, I thought I was being so slick with a list, but I see that Katherine Stone at Postpartum Progress already has a comprehensive list. Oh well. Here’s my list.
Angie Pedersen’s The Blog of Me
Boston Mamas
Catherine Morgan
Central Sanity
Binary Blonde
The Chronicles of Munckin Land
Coping with Life
Fast Times @ Homeschool High
Flamingo House Happenings
Growing A Life
Healthy Concerns
The Integrated Mother
Just Us Girls
Kari’s Couch
life outside the box
Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss Blog Directory
Mom of 3 Girls
Moms Speak Up
Not Calm
Ordinary Art
Planned Parenthood Aurora
PPD Survivor
Sharing the Journey
The Silent I
Silicon Valley Moms
Spin Me I Pulsate
This Full House
Work It, Mom!
Jill at Writes Like She Talks
Posted by Becky @
10:25 pm |
Audience participation: Identify this quote
Go ahead and search the Internet, but if you want to play, you have to guess first.
Here’s the quote:
… you’ve made terrible choices for your people. You’ve isolated your nation, you’ve taken a nation of proud and honorable people and made your country the pariah of the world.
1. Who said this?
2. About whom was it said?
Posted by Becky @
8:02 pm |