NOLA: Olivier’s
October 11, 2011 | Traveling
We asked the concierge if she could recommend a nearby restaurant that’s quiet. Quiet? In New Orleans? (I’m sure she wondered, “What is WRONG with these tourists? Who comes to New Orleans for quiet?) She knows her restaurants. She recommended the perfect place, Olivier’s Creole Restaurant.
Except for some fairly loud, very well-dressed girls who showed up after the Hanson concert at the House of Blues (I somewhat expect to get struck by lightning just for writing that), it was very quiet with great drinks and delicious food.

Here’s our waiter, Chris. He looked up how to make a Zombie for us.

Here is that amazing food.

We went back the next day to get pictures outside. What a fabulous place!

Posted by Becky @
5:15 pm |
Over the mountains & through the woods
My last hike was with my husband over the mountains (yes, more than one) into town to my sister-in-law’s home.

It was Charming Marie’s last hike in the Norwegian mountains. I’ve had lots of fun with her this summer!

We took a break at this lake. It was so quiet and pretty there.

We saw sheep everywhere.

See that bump in the background? That’s the top of Jendemfjellet.

See that yellow spot there? That’s a boy. We watched his progress over the top of one mountain and down another until he met up with us. He was RUNNING. The whole time. Makes me want to have a heart attack just thinking about it.

Skihytta — this is a ski cabin that’s open in the winter.

Getting close to town. These are ski paths with lights (for the winter). Folks use them for all kinds of things during the summer … hiking, biking, walking, running, etc.

Just about there! I think I can smell dinner from here.

I thought I’d slow things down, but when we were done, it hadn’t taken any longer than “normal” — about three hours. Yay, me!
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |

Every time I see this sign, I sing, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.” Every. Single. Time. For almost 20 years now. I sang it out loud with the kids in the car. So, who knows. Maybe I’ve infected them too.
Posted by Becky @
9:40 am |
Blomster, 2
We’re back, and I’ve got lots of catching up to do. While I do that, here are some pretty Norwegian flowers to look at … because one can never get enough of pretty Norwegian flowers. (I have more!)

Posted by Becky @
7:03 am |