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Valerie Jarrett reaches out to (a few) BlogHers

August 27, 2009 | Barack Obama,BlogHer,Politics,Valerie Jarrett

Valerie Jarrett, a White House senior adviser, wanted to “reach out to bloggers” during the BlogHer conference in Chicago in July. So she met with 17 of them.

She held a private meeting with an exclusive group of bloggers at a conference with about 1,500 attendees. Why not the whole group? It’s not as if she didn’t have large groups on her schedule.

She was the keynote speaker at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, which had about 2,000 attendees in August. She even brought along two other Obama administration officials.

She was also the keynote speaker at the Netroots Nation Convention, where she took questions from some of the 2,000 attendees.

Why the exclusion at BlogHer? Is it because BlogHer isn’t supposed to be political? (Even though founder Lisa Stone asked Jarrett, “What should we do?” in terms of advocacy.) Or does the administration not take BlogHer attendees seriously? Or something else?

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am | 3 Comments  

Thanks for the memory of things I can’t forget

July 31, 2009 | BlogHer

I'm Going to BlogHer '09

I went to my first BlogHer conference in Chicago.

I need this sign at home. It was on the back of a Time Out Chicago van.

Thanks to Anne-Marie Nichols (@amnichols) of The Write Spot, I caught a ride with a GM carpool groupthat included Anne-Marie, Amy Peck (@fruitlady) of Inherent Passionand Jenna Goodwin (@MommyJenna) of For the Love of Baby! That Crazy Tattooed Mommy. Anne-Marie and Amy started in Denver and picked up Jenna and me in Iowa.

General Motors provided nine Chevys for carpools to and from BlogHer09. Our group had a 2010 Traverse, which was equipped with OnStar.

Our Chevy Traverse.

Anne-Marie drives and Jenna helps navigate.

For those bathroom emergencies.

Jenna and Anne-Marie at the Great Sauk Trail rest area.

Thanks to Erin Groh (@ErinRoseGroh) of BlogHerfor organizing everything with carpoolers and companies. Thanks to Lesley Hettinger(@lesleyhettinger) and Connie Burke (@connieburke) of GM Communications, Kameya Shows (@kamkam) of OnStar Communications, Robyn Henderson (@robnh) of Design Communications for setting everything up and for treating us to food and drink (I had margaritas, thank you very much) once we got to Chicago. Here are some pictures from that party. You know, before I lost my camera.

Amy Peck (@fruitlady) of Inherent Passion, Shannanb (@Shannanb) of Mommy Bits, Lucrecer Braxton (@lucrecerb) of Art Slamand Kameya Shows (@kamkam) of OnStar Communications.

Deb (@DebMomOf3) of Mom of 3 Girls, Lisa (@blm03) of My Thoughts, Ideas and Ramblings, Shannanb (@Shannanb) of Mommy Bits, Elizabeth (@Table4Five) of Table for Fiveand Amy Peck (@fruitlady) of Inherent Passion. I can’t remember what Amy and I were talking about, but it must have been a hoot.

Thank you so much to my roommates, Devra Renner (@ParentopiaDevra) and Aviva Pflock (@ParentopiaAviva) of Parentopia. I met Aviva for the first time in Chicago, but it feels as if I’ve known her forever.

For those of you who liked my round business card, Deborah at Candice n Katie’s Art made them for me.

Posted by Becky @ 5:16 pm | 6 Comments  

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

July 30, 2009 | BlogHer


We are the leaves of one branch, the drops of one sea, the flowers of one garden.

~ Jean Baptiste Henri Lacordaire

Remember how I said the first lily that bloomed in my back yard was on my camera? Here it is. For Kelly. Thank you!

Posted by Becky @ 5:47 pm | 3 Comments  


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