Charming Marie in New Orleans
Remember how I took Charming Marie to Norway? Well, I thought I’d take her to New Orleans with me last month. (Yes, that’s a blue cow covered with the Blue Dog.)

But wait! Looky here! There’s Marie … for real! She flew in from Houston for the weekend. I was in NOLA for a journalism conference.

That’s Ricky. He took our picture. Yep, it was game day. The Saints played the Texans.

More pix to come.
Posted by Becky @
3:32 pm |
Charming Marie
A week or so ago, when I mentioned that it was time to start packing, Marie (of The Snake Charmers) said, “Pack me!” So I did. Here she at the base of Gjendemfjellet. Where do you want to go next, Marie? ;)

Posted by Becky @
4:10 pm |
Music: The Snake Charmers, Willie Nelson & Wynton Marsalis, oh my!
I’ve been following Marie of The Snake Charmers on Twitter (@Snakecharmers) and Facebook for a while. I’m not sure how I found her, but she’s fun. I’d sampled her music here and there, but I just bought her CD, “Been Gone too Long.” (I first read that, “BEER Gone too Long.) Good stuff. Good, good stuff. Next time I’m in Houston? I’d love to see them live … and buy Marie a margarita.
As for Willie Nelson & Wynton Marsalis, I bought their CD the same time I bought The Snake Charmers. I tell you what. They go well together. Both sing the blues. And, wait … what. You didn’t know Willie & Wynton had a CD? Yeah, OK. I laughed when I first saw that. But I tell you what. YUM. That’s what.
I met Wynton Marsalis in Thomasville, Georgia, when I was living in Tallahassee, Florida, after what was — I swear — THE BEST CONCERT EVER. It was in the auditorium of the old grade school where my dad taught fifth grade during the first year of integration in the schools there. I hadn’t been in that school for 20-some years, but I remembered being in the auditorium the minute I stepped inside again. It was a small venue. Comfortable. Intimate. Memorable.
In any case, if you like the blues, go get some from Marie, Willie & Wynton. They serve it up … hot.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Planned Parenthood shocked by response to Blume
Tweet, tweet!
“The firestorm against Judy Blume is bullsh*t. If you love Blume’s books, check out … ”
“Support Judy Blume! RT … ”
What’s all the fuss?
The Planned Parenthood Action Center has a page dedicated to “Stand up for Judy Blume.” They were “so shocked at the response [from “anti-choice extremists”] to her latest act of compassion,” which was a “special Mother’s Day message on our behalf.”
Judy Blume asks for donations to Planned Parenthood in honor of Mother’s Day.
Sounds like extremist bait to me. Also sounds like a way to get “the other side” riled up and to send money.
Posted by Becky @
11:53 am |
Weird things happen on Twitter
So I was on Twitter, and I said I didn’t watch The Today Show, and I said something not terribly flattering about Ann Curry. Before the end of the night? The Today Show was following me on Twitter. Do you think they really care what I have to say … or are they just pulling an Abraham Lincoln on me?
Posted by Becky @
10:04 pm |