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Betcha didn’t know I was savvy

June 5, 2008 | Blogging

If you haven’t heard from me lately, it’s because I’ve been working on the launch of Being Savvy: Tampa, one of the city blogs on The Savvy Source for Parents. Other cities (so far) are Atlanta, Austin, Charleston, Chicago, Columbus, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Nashville, New Orleans, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, D.C.

And little ol’ me.

They gave me the keys to my very own Tampa blog. I don’t know what they were thinking. I’m just trying to keep my hands at 10 and 2 and keep from crashing into anything. In any case, it should be a fun and interesting ride.

Come on over. Take a look … and get a load of all the fun stuff we get to do in Tampa.

Posted by Becky @ 10:58 am  

3 Responses to “Betcha didn’t know I was savvy”

  1. Colleen Says:

    I love the name of your blog (chuckle every time I read it). And I’m proud to be in your company over at Savvy Source!

    San Antonio

  2. MammaLoves Says:

    Way to go!! Though I know you’re doing this just to try to convince me to move back to FL. ;)

  3. Caroline Says:

    Oh so cool!!! I am off to check it out now!

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