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Kelly lilies

July 27, 2011 | Blogging

Every year about this time (OK, it’s been a few weeks now … I’ve been thinking, “Oh, crap. Did they all die?!?”), I check to see if the orange lilies in the back yard have started to bloom. They’re here. They’re finally here.

They will forever be known as Kelly Lilies to me, in honor of Kelly, who rescued my lost camera and returned it to me.

While I hoped to have tons of photos from a conference on my camera, all I had was the first lily of the season and a couple of shots of Chicago skyscrapers … because I lost my camera within the first hour or so of the conference. Kelly found it. And mailed it to me! So, again, Kelly … thanks. *mwah* These are for you.

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am  

6 Responses to “Kelly lilies”

  1. Deb Says:


  2. Deb Says:

    Oh, and how cool is that someone found your camera and returned it? Yay for nice people!

  3. Mocha Says:

    It’s funny, I was thinking of leaving my name here as “Kelly” but you know me as “Mocha” as well and since I’d been here before my computer remember it and fill it in for me.

    Kelly Lilies! I’m just melting over here and gushing! I am so happy to have reunited you with your camera. It was a feel good day!

  4. Becky Says:

    I know, right, Deb? ;)

  5. Becky Says:

    Kelly. Mocha. Mochakelly. Kellymocha. You’re as beautiful as a Kelly lily. :)

  6. Deep Muck Big Rake » Goodbye & hello Says:

    […] had flowers and Kelly lilies waiting to welcome us […]

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