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TV: Himmelblå

April 15, 2010 | Television

We finished watching Season 1 and Season 2 of HimmelblÃ¥, a Norwegian television series about the people who live on Ylvingen, an island in northern Norway. The show makes good use of very strong dialects. I would probably miss a lot if it weren’t for the Norwegian subtitles. But what a great show! Can’t wait to watch more. Season 3 is showing in Norway now. While we thought we’d wait for the next DVD, we might actually lose patience and try to watch it online.

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am  

2 Responses to “TV: HimmelblÃ¥”

  1. david Says:

    Did you find the dvd in the us version?
    Or did you order it from Norway?
    david s

  2. Deep Muck Big Rake » TV: HimmelblÃ¥ Says:

    […] We finished watching Season 3 of HimmelblÃ¥, full of expectation for the next season — whenever we might get our hands on it. We watched the first two seasons earlier and became fans. […]

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