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Every day SHE WRITES the book

November 13, 2009 | Books

Look! Books by women!

I went to Bookadee, my local bookstore, today. I was inspired by Gloria Feldt, who planned to buy 13 books on Friday the 13th for the She Writes Call to Action. Kamy Wicoff, founder and CEO of She Writes, put out a call to action to protest Publishers Weekly all-male Top 10 of its “Best Books of 2009 List.”

So I bought 11 books today and two others just recently, Zillah’s Gift by Lois West Duffy and Bellbina, Queen of Weed Park by Laura Juszczyk, which brings me to 13 on Friday the 13th.

Thank you, Tora, for all your help!

Here are some books I read in 2009 and before.

Posted by Becky @ 11:55 am  

7 Responses to “Every day SHE WRITES the book”

  1. Linda Says:

    happy loving readers make it look so easy…

    Okay, I didn’t buy any books – I was in and out of NYC for the day and sitting for 7 hours in a flipcam training workshop. I know I could have bought a book at the airport, but the selection was limited :(

    But you and Gloria made up for me – thank you! I hope that some mainstream media outlet picks up on this story and shows that we have the will to show our strength.

  2. Carol Says:

    A great idea. Thanks for supporting all of us women writers!

  3. Becky Says:

    I bought at least one book for you, Linda. ;)

  4. One Beta Mom Says:

    Read The Giver for the first time with my 7th grader. Loved it.

    Also enjoyed Walls’ The Glass Castle. Did not, however, read this one with him.

  5. Becky Says:

    I hear Walls has another book out now.

  6. Deep Muck Big Rake » Books: Goldilicious Says:

    […] Goldilicious by Elizabeth Kann and Victoria Kann. It was one of the books I got at Bookadee for the SHE WRITES call to action. The kids loved this one. Posted by Becky @ 6:00 […]

  7. Deep Muck Big Rake » Books: Dewey Says:

    […] a Cat in the Library! by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter, illustrated by Steve James. This was a SHE WRITES book. It’s also the children’s version of Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the […]

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