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Books: The Bookseller of Kabul

May 10, 2008 | Afghanistan,Books

I just finished reading The Bookseller of Kabul by Ã…sne Seierstad. Anyone else?

Posted by Becky @ 10:25 pm  

2 Responses to “Books: The Bookseller of Kabul”

  1. maggie Says:

    You know, I read that with my book club last year, and I can’t remember anything about it. Except that I thought it felt like an unsuccessful straddle of fiction and non-fiction.

  2. Tempered Woman Says:

    Wow~ I’m really surprised by Maggie’s comment! I read that book a while back and it still haunts me. Thinking of those girls. It just kills me inside. I finished it right before my hubby went back to Iraq for another tour. I told him he could bring us back a dozen muslim girls to adopt pleaze. I genuinely wanted to rush to Afghanistan and just kidnap some girls. So much potential but just sadness in the end. And this man is considered progressive? I can’t imagine how there is much hope for Afghani women…

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