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Memorial Day

May 26, 2008 | Books,Holidays,Memorial Day

What are you doing today?

I’ve written a guest post about Memorial Day for Mothers of Intentions at PunditMom. It will be posted Wednesday.

In the meantime, I’ll go read eMail Our Military, whose motto is, “Supporting Our Military, One eMail At A Time.”

I’m also planning to extend the deadline for the Final Salute giveaway to coincide with eMail Our Military, which will also be giving away an autographed copy of the book.

Stay tuned.

Update: The book giveaway is up at eMail Our Military. Go check it out!

Posted by Becky @ 1:29 pm  

5 Responses to “Memorial Day”

  1. magpie Says:

    We went to the parade. We always go to the parade. I was hoping that Hillary would march, but I guess she was in Puerto Rico.

  2. magpie Says:

    PS – the flags handed out by a local real estate firm were stamped “Made in China”.

  3. BlackJack Says:

    This is going ot be a great giveaway. Thanks for letting us partner with you!

  4. Devra Says:

    The “Made in China” flags really piss my husband off and I quote, “You’d think our own flag would be made here, in our own country.”

    And I said, “Well, you are working hard to defend our country’s right to have our flags made in China, aren’t you?” Then I ducked and ran out of the room before he could make me drop and give him twenty.

  5. Kathy Says:

    Have you read Michael Yon’s book MOMENT OF TRUTH IN IRAQ? I read the cover flaps and back and front pages on Amazon Books Page. Sounds like a next reader. It is not political according to the information shown on those pages, etc.

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