March 17, 2012 | Forest City,Iowa,Spring
Top o’ the spring day mornin’ to ya!
Top o’ the spring day mornin’ to ya!
The apple tree was in full bloom by this time last year. We’re just getting started now. But, hey. I’ll take it. Welcome, spring!
More spring pictures.
I’m cleaning up my blog. What a great draft post to run across after Blizzard No. 1 in 2010. Ah. Memories of spring.
Daffodils are up. Snow fences are down.
Freedom. Lighter backpacks mean bigger items for show & tell.
Oh, spring. Ooh, you are so big. So absolutely huge. Gosh, we’re really impressed down here, I can tell you. You’re just so super.
I love that you’re here, but I hate that it took so long. I could do without the bipolar extremes, but that won’t happen in Iowa, will it? No. No, it won’t.
In case anyone thought I was joking with the plague references, here’s what just one (of half a dozen) flypaper strip caught in a matter of hours, and the ones not caught still swarm and divebomb you when you walk in the room. Just another sign of spring, I guess, although I like the daffodils better.