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Food: Tomato and Watermelon Salad

August 30, 2011 | Food

I saw this recipe over at Algonquin Books Blog. It’s absolutely delicious! My mother would have loved it.

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am | Comments  


March 1, 2010 | Words

Sometimes it takes someone else’s words to express how you feel.

I don’t want to be loved just because I am a sister, a mother, an old friend, or a known quantity. I want to be loved because I’m worthy – because I give it back with an open heart – because whether we are together or at a distance, we both feel drawn to care for, support, and love each other with the best of everything that is within us, knowing that mediocrity is the antithesis of interest.

Love me because I’m worthy. If you believe I am not, then you really shouldn’t love me at all.

Thank you, Jane, at Finding My America for sharing so much with your words.

Posted by Becky @ 12:18 pm | Comments  


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