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Job openings

September 22, 2014 | Television

I want to work for John Oliver. Do you think he’s hiring?

Posted by Becky @ 6:04 pm | Comments  


Emma Watson,Feminism,HeForShe,Hillary Clinton,United Nations

Posted by Becky @ 8:42 am | Comments  

In honor of Dr. Seuss

March 2, 2013 | Uncategorized

I still agree with what I wrote three years ago. So I will simply re-post that in the form of a link. Happy birthday, Ted! :)

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am | Comments  

Thinking about my dad

August 26, 2012 | Uncategorized

I was 19 when he died … 28 years ago today. I’ve known my father-in-law for 22 years now … longer than I knew my own father. Well, that’s not quite right. I still know my dad. But I only had him here in person for 19 years. Ah, well. This is what happens with the passage of time. I’m older now than my father was when he died. It makes me think of the lyrics to a James Taylor song.

As much as I teased my dad about his choice of music, I’d like to think that he’d like to listen to James Taylor with me. And maybe he’d tell me that the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.

Time goes by. Dad gets farther away. But maybe I understand him just a little bit more with every passing day.

Posted by Becky @ 5:15 pm | Comments  

Miss me?

August 25, 2012 | Business,Iowa,Norway

It’s been a busy year, and I’ve been working on this.

It’s my new business, site, blog, etc. Check it out: https://www.vaersaagod.com.

Posted by Becky @ 4:33 pm | Comments  


March 17, 2012 | Forest City,Iowa,Spring

Top o’ the spring day mornin’ to ya!

Posted by Becky @ 9:44 am | 2 Comments  

What’s cooking?

February 25, 2012 | Family,Food

I made sea scallops from an A Food Centric Life recipe that I got from Amy. I also made something with shrimp, because my son really loves shrimp. It’s always fun to try something new!

Posted by Becky @ 3:25 pm | 1 Comment  


January 11, 2012 | Family,Home

I love what comes home in backpacks.

The dog’s tail actually does curl up like that. I love that, too.

Posted by Becky @ 5:43 pm | Comments  

NOLA: Olivier’s

October 11, 2011 | Traveling

We asked the concierge if she could recommend a nearby restaurant that’s quiet. Quiet? In New Orleans? (I’m sure she wondered, “What is WRONG with these tourists? Who comes to New Orleans for quiet?) She knows her restaurants. She recommended the perfect place, Olivier’s Creole Restaurant.

Except for some fairly loud, very well-dressed girls who showed up after the Hanson concert at the House of Blues (I somewhat expect to get struck by lightning just for writing that), it was very quiet with great drinks and delicious food.

Here’s our waiter, Chris. He looked up how to make a Zombie for us.

Here is that amazing food.

We went back the next day to get pictures outside. What a fabulous place!

Posted by Becky @ 5:15 pm | Comments  

Charming Marie in New Orleans

October 2, 2011 | Blogging,Music,Norway,The Snake Charmers,Twitter

Remember how I took Charming Marie to Norway? Well, I thought I’d take her to New Orleans with me last month. (Yes, that’s a blue cow covered with the Blue Dog.)

But wait! Looky here! There’s Marie … for real! She flew in from Houston for the weekend. I was in NOLA for a journalism conference.

That’s Ricky. He took our picture. Yep, it was game day. The Saints played the Texans.

More pix to come.

Posted by Becky @ 3:32 pm | 2 Comments  


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