What Working Mother magazine won’t tell you: Global gender gap
If things are going so well for American working mothers, why did the United States fall from 23rd place to 31st place on the Global Gender Report?
Posted by Becky @
10:26 am |
Leave a comment, win a prize: MOTHERS for PPD Act

Updated to add: We have a winner! Announcement coming soon.
I saw that Tracy and Devra blogged about it. Then I saw that Sarah blogged about it. Then I saw lots of other people blogged about it.***
:::Hello, people (Devra, Sarah, Tracy)! You have my telephone number. Why didn’t you call me?::: So I’m late to the party. But, hey, I’m here, and it’s not over yet. Now where is my margarita?
Anyway, here’s the scoop. Today is Blog Day for the MOTHERS Act (S. 1375). Postpartum Support International, BlogHer and Postpartum Progress are supporting the passage of The MOTHERS Act — The Moms Opportunity to Access Help, Education, Research and Support for Postpartum Depression Act. Sponsored by Sens. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and Richard Durbin, D-Ill., the act would ensure that new mothers and their families are educated about PPD, screened for symptoms and provided with essential services. It will also increase research into the causes, diagnoses and treatments for PPD.

Tracy knows a thing or two about maternal depression. She wrote a book about it called The Ghost in the House: Real Mothers Talk About Maternal Depression, Raising Children, and How They Cope. (And I got to meet her IRL earlier this month.)
Leave a comment, and I will put your name in a hat for a drawing of an autographed copy of Tracy’s book. Better yet, contact your senator, then leave a comment, then win a book. (Sarah‘s giving away a book too.)

***Aw, jeez, I thought I was being so slick with a list, but I see that Katherine Stone at Postpartum Progress already has a comprehensive list. Oh well. Here’s my list.
Angie Pedersen’s The Blog of Me
Boston Mamas
Catherine Morgan
Central Sanity
Binary Blonde
The Chronicles of Munckin Land
Coping with Life
Fast Times @ Homeschool High
Flamingo House Happenings
Growing A Life
Healthy Concerns
The Integrated Mother
Just Us Girls
Kari’s Couch
life outside the box
Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss Blog Directory
Mom of 3 Girls
Moms Speak Up
Not Calm
Ordinary Art
Planned Parenthood Aurora
PPD Survivor
Sharing the Journey
The Silent I
Silicon Valley Moms
Spin Me I Pulsate
This Full House
Work It, Mom!
Jill at Writes Like She Talks
Posted by Becky @
10:25 pm |