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Why ‘American Idol Gives Back’ is creepy

April 10, 2008 | American Idol,Economics,Fundraising,Health,Heart,Matt Damon,Music,PR,Television

1) Why can’t viewers just call in and vote to end the war?

2) Oh, wait. Major Sponsor Exxon Mobil wouldn’t be thrilled. It also wouldn’t be able to “give back” so generously if not for the googillions it’s made on the war. Maybe that’s where Ben Stiller got the term — from checking EM’s financials.

3) By sponsoring images of African and American babies, it can say, “War? What war? I don’t know nothin’ about no war.”

4) So can Major Sponsor News Corp.

5) And Ford Motor Co.

6) Don’t forget Coca-Cola. “I’d like to buy the world a Coke.” And a bunch of peace and stuff.

Right. (Got $45?)

7) And AT&T.

8) Robin Williams. What … is it 1985?

9) Toothless grandmothers and dilapidated shacks juxtaposed with painted, airbrushed celebs, who packed their camera crews and left. Because they could.

10) Those painful fake smiles on the Appalachian children’s faces.

11) The politician who appeared on American Idol? British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

12) Paula Abdul, who’s had an eating disorder, stood next to Randy Jackson, who’s had stomach-stapling surgery, and talked about obesity in American children.

13) How many others — besides Miley Cyrus — had stuff to plug?

14) Did anyone else who saw Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman keep thinking, “Where is Matt Damon?”

Just me, then?

Updated: Deus Ex Malcontent posted random comments from watching the show.

Posted by Becky @ 3:12 pm | 9 Comments  


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