Poems & photos: Good Fortune

Good fortune is a giddy maid,
Fickle and restless as a fawn;
She smooths your hair; and then the jade
Kisses you quickly, and is gone.
But Madam Sorrow scorns all this;
She shows no eagerness for flitting,
But with a long and fervent kiss
Sits by your bed — and brings her knitting.
—Heinrich Heine
PHOTO: Flower, Cody, Wyoming ©DMBR
Posted by Becky @
5:03 pm |
Poems & photos: Friendship

Oh, the comfort — the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words — but pouring them
All right out — just as they are —
Chaff and grain together —
Certain that a faithful hand will
Take and sift them —
Keep what is worth keeping —
And with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest away.
—Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
PHOTO: Azaleas, Tampa, Florida © DMBR
Posted by Becky @
7:53 am |
Poems & photos: One Heart

Look at the birds. Even flying
is born
out of nothing. The first sky
is inside you, open
at either end of day.
The work of wings
was always freedom, fastening
one heart to every falling thing.
—Li-Young Lee
PHOTO: Grackles flying over trees near Forest City, Iowa © DMBR
Posted by Becky @
12:20 pm |