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Books: The Poisonwood Bible

June 2, 2010 | Books

I just finished reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It was my first Kindle-read book — which was thrilling, yay! — and my third Kingsolver book. This one made me want to vomit — and not just in my mouth a little. I don’t think that’s what she was going for, although I do believe she was going for my disgust with Nathan Price and how he practiced religion as belligerence. She did a nice job of telling the story in various voices. It would have been even more interesting if she would have offered a peek of what was going on in Price’s head.

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am  

2 Responses to “Books: The Poisonwood Bible”

  1. Sarah Says:

    “The Poisonwood Bible” is absolutely my favorite Kingsolver book and in my top 5 of ALL books. I think the different voices are outstanding.

    That being said, if you have read several of her novels you know that she doesn’t really delve into the minds of the men much.

  2. Rhonda Says:

    I also *love* this book and think that it’s best that Nathan Price’s voice was never heard. He was the catalyst of all of the (bad) events in the lives of the Price family members. He was self-consumed and made the world revolve around himself. The voices are the little whispers of the reality while he sat in a fantasy.
    The Price daughters were on lookers, victims of his bullying, yet it all evens out because the girls were actually heard — though by the readers.

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