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Critter, 2

March 30, 2010 | Iowa

Remember the critter in our barn, the one that turned out to be an ermine? Yeah, it didn’t make it. I was surprised at how small it was. I thought maybe it had a nest. But this one can’t be fully grown, can it?

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am  

4 Responses to “Critter, 2”

  1. magpie Says:

    Hmm. What you might should do is make an ermine coat for a doll…

  2. Linda Says:

    So small and sad. They’re only scary when they’re mysterious. And to think these are raised for their fur.

  3. Patty Says:

    Aww how sad, poor little guy/gal. One of the guys I work with said “Yeah, Ermines are pretty small.” …Sad it made it through the winter and all, and now dies. Did you happen to feed it?

  4. Becky Says:

    Maggie: [shudder] ;)

    Linda, yeah, scary when there’s a critter out there at night. I’m still surprised at how small it was.

    No, Patty, we didn’t feed it. I wonder if it ate something it shouldn’t have. I can’t imagine there weren’t enough mice out there to eat.

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