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March 17, 2010 | Books,Family,Iowa

I’m still stacking books. The shelves are almost full! Here’s a look back at what it took. I have some “before” pictures, but WordPress won’t let me upload any more photos right now. I guess I wore it out.

Posted by Becky @ 9:52 am  

11 Responses to “Library”

  1. Charity Adams Says:

    Oh my gosh!!! What a dream library you have. That is absolutely lovely.

  2. Suebob Says:

    Cool! You look so truly happy.

  3. Weekend Cowgirl Says:

    Wonderful library! How nice will it be when you finish and can sit down and read and relax…

  4. Lance Says:

    You weren’t messing around. Nice work!

  5. Cyndi Says:

    SO jealous….and happy for you, too! I hope we can do ours soon. Sell, old house, sell. Can we get a nice pic of you all relaxed and literate at some point? Do you hire him out?? Great work!

  6. ilinap Says:

    WOW! And your long hair looks great!

  7. carolyn kruse Says:

    It looks very nice I know you will enjoy it alot

  8. Pam Hill Says:

    Wow its huge library room! Nice job!! You look good…notice your har grow long!

  9. magpie Says:

    That is awesome. I love that there are those lights built in. So cool.

  10. Stimey Says:

    That looks great!!!

  11. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah Says:


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