I’ve lost count of the snow days
The school jinxed it when it sent a note home last week that said, “Beginning Monday, Feb. 8, we will be adding 30 minutes to our school day for the rest of the 2009-2010 school year.” You know. To make up for a gazillion snow days.
Which means, of course, that Monday, Feb. 8, was a SNOW DAY.
Yep. Sure enough. I bet Tuesday, Feb. 9 is too.
I tried to post photos, but WordPress is being all hinky. Will try again tomorrow.
We got an invitation to a wedding in the Bahamas in May. I’m SO wishing we could go NOW and hang out until the wedding.
PSA: For anyone who thinks I complain too much: Go away. Nothing to see here. We got nothing but unicorns and rainbows in these parts. Yay. Whee. Can’t wait for more snow. Whoo-hoo.
Posted by Becky @
6:07 pm |
Books: Sledding
For our next “Read a Million Minutes” book, we read Sledding by Elizabeth Winthrop, illustrations by Sarah Wilson. Very cute!
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Books: I can Read with My Eyes Shut!
For our next “Read a Million Minutes” book, we read I can Read with My Eyes Shut! by Dr. Seuss. My son read it to us. We love Dr. Seuss in this house.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Books: Goldilicious
Another Read a Million Minutes read was Goldilicious by Elizabeth Kann and Victoria Kann. It was one of the books I got at Bookadee for the SHE WRITES call to action. The kids loved this one.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Books: Rose’s Garden
For our next “Read a Million Minutes” book, we read Rose’s Garden by Peter H. Reynolds. The kids liked the use of color and how there was no color until the children started bringing flowers. It’s a nice story and a beautifully illustrated book.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Books: Snowmen at Night
For our next “Read a Million Minutes” book, we read Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner, illustrated by Mark Buehner, recommended by some friends on Facebook. Lots of fun.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Books: Andy and the Lion
For our next “Read a Million Minutes” installment, we read Andy and the Lion by James Daugherty. (Thanks, Magpie Musing!)
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Movie: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
I got Män som hatar kvinnor from Norway for Christmas. It’s a movie based on Stieg Larsson‘s book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Wow. It was in Swedish. I watched it with Norwegian subtitles. It stuck really close to the book, so that helped. But, wow. Great movie.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Books: Beth’s Job
For our next “Read a Million Minutes” installment, we read Beth’s Job by Carole Roberts and illustrated by Michael Garland. No magpies in this one, but I still say thanks for the inspiration to Magpie Musing.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |