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I can’t remember what I said, I lost my head

January 24, 2010 | Iowa,Weather,Winter

This is what happens when the temperatures hit 30 degrees or so for a few days. (That’s the snowman’s carrot nose on the ground beside him.) It’s not like spring is here or anything. Just a mid-winter “heat wave” to make things all messy. The weather forecast calls for lower temperatures and more snow and ice.

Posted by Becky @ 3:42 pm  

3 Responses to “I can’t remember what I said, I lost my head”

  1. Haley Says:

    Wow! I’m a Texan…so you’ll have to excuse my ignorance when I ask if the snow will break the roof when it hangs like that?

    Just curious. :-)

  2. Becky Says:

    Yes, Haley, snow can break just about anything. Or it can get so heavy that it can cave in a roof. Not too long after I took this picture, though, the snow slid off and plopped on the ground. :)

  3. Cyndi Says:

    oh, joy, more snow and ice! I’m actually hoping for something to stop this bog that is growing outside…maybe some freezing would give it a chance?

    Glad the snow fell off the roof, instead of caving it in :-)

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