Music: Choo Choo
January 31, 2010 | Music

I <3 Twitter. Don’t you? It is SO full of awesome. And, OMG, the music. I follow some of my favorite musicians on Twitter, and I’ve found some great music I probably never would have found otherwise. The Snake Charmers? Hello. Rock!
I’ve followed Choo Choo, a band from Switzerland, for a while (@choochootheband). I finally ordered their CD, and it arrived the other day, so I listened to it. Oh, what fun. They describe their sound as 1960s teenage beat and Indie pop. And, yeah, I hear the 1980s resurgence of the 1960s in there. They remind me just a touch of Southern Culture on the Skids (SCOTS are way more hillbilly, but something is similar, especially the frantic drums) with a dash of The Finnsters, who could do a mean Steppin’ Stone back in the day. They’re working on a new album right now, and I think it’s due out later this year. Go, Choo Choo!
(Speaking about SCOTS, did I ever tell you about them, Skipper’s and Stephen King? Eh, another day, then.)
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Sick of snow
I know some smart and funny people. My friend Bob, who lives in Washington, D.C., wrote this delightful ode to snow. Thanks, Bob! I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Oh, the weather outside is flaky,
And my nerves are kinda shaky,
And since I’ve no place to go,
I am so sick and tired of the snow!
It doesn’t show signs of warming,
And the drifts are slowly forming,
The temperature’s way down low,
And I’m so sick and tired of the snow!
When I’ve shoveled it all at last,
And the driveway is finally clear,
The plow once again comes past,
Piling it all up to here!
It’s certainly not too pleasing
When melted snow’s refreezing,
And I really want you to know:
I am so @&#^ sick of the snow!!!
You think you’re driving anywhere tonight? Ha!

Crazy snow drift from the last storm.

Posted by Becky @
5:50 am |
Blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see
Morning parhelion, er, sun dog. Woof.

Posted by Becky @
10:28 am |
I can’t make it on my own, drive me home
This is what it was like driving in a blizzard a few hours ago. Visibility now is even less, I’m sure, and the driveway is completely drifted shut. (Well, that, and it’s getting dark.) Better get out there and start clearing. If my count is right, this is Blizzard No. 5.

Posted by Becky @
5:36 pm |
Rocking pneumonia and the boogie woogie flu

I just moved my mini-pharmacy from the kitchen back to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I hope I didn’t jinx anything.
Posted by Becky @
5:09 pm |
I can’t remember what I said, I lost my head
This is what happens when the temperatures hit 30 degrees or so for a few days. (That’s the snowman’s carrot nose on the ground beside him.) It’s not like spring is here or anything. Just a mid-winter “heat wave” to make things all messy. The weather forecast calls for lower temperatures and more snow and ice.

Posted by Becky @
3:42 pm |
Books: An Ocean in Iowa
I just finished reading An Ocean in Iowa: A Novel by Peter Hedges, an Iowa author. (He also wrote What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.) It’s about a year in the life of 7-year-old Scotty Ocean. As I read the last word in the book, I just wanted to gather Scotty in my arms and give him a big hug. I can’t do that, so I’ll go hug my own 7-year-old boy.
Posted by Becky @
12:17 pm |
Children’s books about deployment
This is for Connie Schultz. She recently wrote about hearing a customer in a bookstore ask about books for children whose parents get deployed. The customer was turned away with none to be found. This is also for that bookstore, that customer and anyone else who might be looking for similar books.
Some great sources
Posted by Becky @
4:08 pm |
Books: 2009 in review
Here’s what I read in 2009.
I made a list of Iowa books and authors.
I also participated in a SHE WRITES call to action.
Books I haven’t read yet but should.
Any other suggestions?
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |