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I’m having a few, and I’m wishing summer were here

October 12, 2009 | Iowa,Winter

Because it snowed this morning, my son said, “Today is the first day of winter!”

Yes [*glower*], it SNOWED this morning. Although, the first snow was two days ago. A record. Or something.

I replied, “Well, no, actually, the first day of winter isn’t scheduled for a while yet. It’s still technically fall.” And I tried not to think about how long this winter will be if it actually starts today. Because it’s not like spring will come in February to compensate.


This is what they looked like just three days ago.

Posted by Becky @ 6:28 pm  

3 Responses to “I’m having a few, and I’m wishing summer were here”

  1. Cyndi Says:

    Even when you’re frustrated, you make it look amazing!

  2. Stimey Says:

    Man, I am so glad I don’t live in a place where it has already snowed. Sheesh.

  3. Becky Says:

    Well, thanks, Cyndi. ;)

    Yeah, Stimey. It’s gonna be a long winter. Gah.

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