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Only two things that money can’t buy that’s true love and home grown tomatoes (and green peppers)

September 9, 2009 | Garden,Iowa

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am  

7 Responses to “Only two things that money can’t buy that’s true love and home grown tomatoes (and green peppers)”

  1. Cyndi Says:

    Gawjis! I just got these cool cutters from Pampered Chef to make homemade salsa and such…now I’m craving spicy things and it’s too early…have a great day!

  2. Sincerely, Jenni Says:

    Those look yummy! I think our garden is pretty much done. Our pepper plants quit producing about two weeks ago. Next year, we are going to plan the garden out a little better!

  3. magpie Says:

    beautiful. whatcha gonna do with them?

  4. Becky Says:

    Eat them! :)

  5. MammaLoves Says:

    I can never get green peppers to grow well in my garden. Now jalapenos…

  6. Becky Says:

    See, that’s because you’re so hot, my little jalapeño pepper.

  7. del Says:

    Yum, my kids would have a ball eating their way through your garden, me too really!

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