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‘School’s out’ gets illustrated

June 5, 2009 | Family,School,Stuff

I started singing Alice Cooper’s School’s Out for Summer when I did the last pickup of the school year. They asked to hear it on the radio. I said I’d find it on blip when I got home, and I did. We listened to the song (but didn’t watch the video). They all drew pictures.

This is Cooper with a “rock-n-roll guitar” raising the roof on the house.

This is Cooper singing.

This is the guitar.

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am  

8 Responses to “‘School’s out’ gets illustrated”

  1. Kathy Says:

    Raising the roof was certainly graphic, the music was evidently made up of many sounds, as evidenced by the many colors in the last picture. The singer was singing with that rounded mouth the music teachers were looking for when I was in school- many eons ago! The music must have been well received by the
    artist(s). Frankly, I have never heard the Alice Cooper song. I need to look it up.
    This teacher only remembers “School’s out, school’s out, the teacher let the monkeys out.” and “No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher’s dirty looks.”

  2. Cyndi Says:

    Fantastic! I love that song :-) Isn’t it so fun when your kids start getting into real music?! Thanx for the wonderful comments :-)

  3. Idoia Says:

    HA! This is hilarious.

  4. `ChewY` Says:

    Try this one on for size…

  5. Deb Says:

    Gotta love it! My kids had to do this as an actual exercise at school – listen to the music and paint what it looks like. Thanks for the new song in my head today. : )

  6. Stimey Says:

    Very, very nice. I think they’ve captured the essence of Alice Cooper very nicely.

  7. ParentopiaDevra Says:

    Your kids are much observant than I was at their age. For many years I thought Alice Cooper was a woman.

  8. Meagan Dew Says:

    Oh how I miss coloring time with the Gjendems! Nice to see that they’re still quite creative with things :P

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