Breaking in the lefse grill
Yes, I got a lefse grill last year.

Shiny, huh? No, I haven’t used it. Well, I hadn’t used it until my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and niece were here from Norway. Here we are (MIL & me) in all our aproned glory. And, yes, I’m pretending to know what’s going on.

Here’s the lefse recipe.

Here’s everything else.

Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Books: Growing up Country
I got to meet Carol Bodensteiner at the Talbot Belmond Public Library on Tuesday night. I had her book already but hadn’t read it yet. I was compiling a list of Iowa authors for an article and found that she’d be speaking about 45 minutes away. I couldn’t pass that up, could I?
Bodensteiner talked about her book Growing up Country: Memories of an Iowa Farm Girl, and she read some passages that had us laughing out loud. She listened as we told some of our own stories of mean chickens, 10-cent movies and amazing mothers. Bodensteiner is warm, charming and funny. I’m reading her book next.
Here she is signing books.

I’ll post the list of authors after the article’s published.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Update 2 on robin’s nest

Now there are four eggs. Will we have five? Stay tuned.

Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Update on robin’s nest

This just in … there are three eggs now.
The Internet says a robin’s egg will hatch in 14 days. So we’ve marked up the calendar and count every day.
Posted by Becky @
6:00 am |
Buh-bye, Winter
So long, farewell, aufwiedersehn, adeiu, adeiu, adeiu, to yieu and yieu and yieu … don’t let the door hit you on the way out … see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya … now, go take a long vacation and don’t come back until December. I hear Tampa’s nice this time of year.

Posted by Becky @
10:55 am |
Step right up and don’t be shy, because you will not believe your eyes
April 19, 2009 | Stuff

Apparently, someone enjoys an audience.
Posted by Becky @
10:43 pm |
Books: Revolutionary Road
April 8, 2009 | Books
I just finished reading Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. Gah. Why didn’t anyone tell me not to read this right after reading The Reader?
This was on the last page with an odd “coming soon from Vintage Books” heading:
In Young Hearts Crying, Yates movingly portrays a man and a woman from their courtship and marriage in the 1950s to their divorce in the 70s, chronicling their heartbreaking attempts to reach their highest ambitions. Michael Davenport dreams of being a poet after returning home from World War II Europe, and at first he and his new wife, Lucy, enjoy their life together. But as the decades pass and the success of others creates an oppressive fear of failure in both Michael and Lucy, their once-bright future gives way to a life of adultery and isolation. With empathy and grace, Yates creates a poignant novel of the desires and disasters of a tragic, hopeful couple.
Know what? Yates covered plenty of that ground — and more — in Revolutionary Road. Nah. I think I’m good.
Posted by Becky @
5:35 pm |
Books: The Reader
April 6, 2009 | Books
I just finished reading The Reader by Bernhard Schlink. I didn’t like anyone in it. Was I supposed to?
Posted by Becky @
6:41 pm |