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Iowans are funny

February 3, 2009 | Birthday,Iowa,Stuff

I’ve driven by this house lots of times. Either I never noticed the lamp in the window or they just won it in a contest.

Here’s a laugh for my brother, who turns a year older today.

Happy birthday!

Posted by Becky @ 12:07 pm  

7 Responses to “Iowans are funny”

  1. Mike Says:

    Steve may still have the picture of the clown house. They are clowns or severely color blind. The house is located in a town unnamed to protect the innocent. Hint: there is a huge not very dirty body of water in their back yard.

    Thanks for the thoughts.

    pssst… Is that lamp from the Buddy Holly collection?

  2. Robin Says:

    My work actually has one of these. It goes in the cubicle of the newest employee.

  3. Whit Says:

    That’s a major award!

  4. Miranda Says:

    Frageelay….Must be Italian!

  5. di Says:


  6. `ChewY` Says:

    gonna shoot yer eye out!

  7. david, 7000 feet up Says:

    chewy nailed it.
    I love/ hate the movie ” a christmas story” but the acting is a treat. Good thing my brother does not know about this or he would buy one of those lamps

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