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It’s like hurricane season, only colder

January 12, 2009 | Barack Obama,Iowa,Politics,Weather,Winter

Much colder.

We’re at the beginning of the second (or is it the third?) blizzard of the season. I’d post a picture, but, well … got a printer? Got paper in the printer? Pull out a piece of that paper and hold it in front of your face. That’s what it looks like out there right now.

The kids spent two hours at school this morning before it got canceled. Then I got stuck at the end of the driveway on my way to pick them up.


Don’t worry. I’m not wishing us back to hurricanes. I’ll never forget having two babies in bouncy seats. Under the kitchen table. In the dark. For at least three storms that took out a couple of trees.

Guess we’re just wacky weather magnets no matter where we live.

We will be layering in the coming week. You know it will be cold when they actually use the word “bitter” in the forecast. That’s just a nice way to not use lots and lots of cuss words. And the folks up here are nothing if not nice.

I better hurry up and call President-elect Barack Obama’s Blackberry (while he still has it) and see if he can add “making winter more pleasant” to his agenda.

Posted by Becky @ 5:12 pm  

2 Responses to “It’s like hurricane season, only colder”

  1. Cheryl Says:

    How is it that I am just finding you? Love the ringleader of the Goon Squad, and as soon as I popped over, you had me at your title.

    (Also am charmed by — and echo– the gratitude of your New Year’s post.)

    Adding you to my favorites.

  2. Cyndi Says:

    You make me laugh, especially BO’s new agenda item! Hope you did out soon – can you send some our way? My BD’s the only day DH doesn’t complain about snow, so you have two days to get it south….TIA! Happy weekend

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