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Campbell Brown: No Bias. No Bull.

December 2, 2008 | Campbell Brown,Family,Journalism,Media,MSM,Politics,Television

I’ve seen Campbell Brown on television for years. I watched her (on and off) do election coverage during the campaign, and I saw her “free Sarah Palin” opinion piece.

Then I caught one of her first No Bias. No Bull. shows, where she said she planned to hold President-elect Barack Obama accountable for all the promises he made during the campaign. I thought, yeah, OK, we’ll see. Then I never watched again. Oh, I planned to watch and even programmed the show into my DVR. But I never got around to watching.

Then I caught about three minutes of tonight’s show, where she takes on Gov. Edward G. Rendell, D-Pa., for perpetuating stereotypes about women. He said that Gov. Janet Napolitano, D-Ariz., would be perfect for the job of Secretary of Homeland Security (she’s Obama’s nominee for the job) because she “has no life” and “has no family.”

Hmm. I might have to check out the ones left on my machine.

Posted by Becky @ 11:28 pm  

3 Responses to “Campbell Brown: No Bias. No Bull.”

  1. Bobbie Says:

    Great commentary by Brown! Thanks for posting.

  2. Mitchell Douglas Says:

    I am interested in why Ms Brown did not defend Gov. Palin when she was attacked for being a mother of 5 and accepting the position to run for VP. In fact, Ms Brown was as snarky as anyone else in throwing little media rocks at her.

    Personally, I think Gov. Rendell’s remark was NOT sexist and could have been applied to either gender.

  3. Truth Says:

    Campbell = no bias? That’s a good one. She was biased as recently as the presidential campaign ’08, on the very issue you mention above: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2008/12/03/bigger-buffoon-face-it-rendell-napolitano-or-campbell-browns-hyprocritic

    See also –


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