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Ginny’s dad at Verizon knows from customer service

April 29, 2008 | Customer service,Verizon

“Awwwww … Ginny’s dad … comin’ to the rescue!”

Dear Verizon,

How many years have we been together? I know. It’s been a long time. Why are you still here? Oh, that’s right. Because I keep paying my bills. Why am I still here? I’ve often wondered. You’ve pissed me off more times than I can count. But you know that already. Because I’ve told you many, many times, haven’t I?

My television wasn’t working this morning. I sighed, rolled my eyes and braced myself for what I figured was a few days’ worth of customer-service purgatory.

Call #1: Got the customer-service robot on the line, verifying account information, asking me what my problem was, not understanding, asking again. I pressed zero to get a customer-service human being, and the robot kept talking, not understanding and asking me to repeat. Zero. Zero. Zero. Finally she transferred my call. To purgatory.

Call #2: Got the customer-service robot on the line, jumped through the hoops and got to the “fixing the problem” part. But I answered a question incorrectly and couldn’t get her to stop. I didn’t just press zero this time, I held it down. And, poof, there was Ginny’s dad. Like magic.

Ah, Ginny’s dad. He just saved Verizon. Seriously. One guy. He walked me through the steps, sent new signals, had me push buttons, unplug and plug cords. All the while he cracked jokes, gave me a weather report from Dallas and talked about movies, Dora and Diego (and the Spanish-speaking trees) and his 3-year-old daughter.

Best of all? He got my television to work. But the bonus? His rendition of Diego’s Rescue Pack song.

Give that man a raise.



Posted by Becky @ 10:02 am  

3 Responses to “Ginny’s dad at Verizon knows from customer service”

  1. erin Says:

    This is truly AWESOME.

    I love when I get a CSR (customer service rep – for the uninitiated) who really seems to enjoy their job and care about providing customer service.

    I’m glad you had such a good experience. Not that there’s anything in it for me. We don’t even have Verizon in Canada.

  2. Veronica Mitchell Says:

    It is nice when you get a human who acts like a human, isn’t it? Makes the whole day nicer.

  3. Deep Muck Big Rake » Verizon buys Alltel Says:

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