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Picking nit: Sometime it the small thing that count

March 28, 2008 | Picking nits

Technical difficulties, apparently, with servers. I posted this Monday, then it disappeared. I’m putting it back up and hoping it stays. I’ll also try to piece together the comments … just so you know, if they look weird.

I need to learn how to back up my blog. Does anyone do this? What do you recommend?

This front-page, above-the-fold* gem went out to million of readers this morning.


The newspaper spend thousand of dollars on, oh, dozen of copy editors. Maybe there a severe shortage of letter s at the end of word.

*I had to laugh when I saw a reference to “above the fold” regarding online advertising, as in, “Our ad must appear above the fold.” Because, you know, blogs don’t “fold.” But it’s an old newspaper term and, I suppose, hard to let go. Sort of like “dialing” a telephone, even though it doesn’t have a rotary dial. Or “taping” a favorite show, even though the digital video recorder has no videotape.

What outdated terms do you find amusing?

Posted by Becky @ 9:30 am  

2 Responses to “Picking nit: Sometime it the small thing that count”

  1. magpie Says:

    Deja vu all over again!

    I still say records (and I said records the other day!)

  2. Becky Says:

    Thanks, Magpie. Now I don’t have to dig for your other comment. ;-)

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