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Revisiting Leslie Bennetts and The Feminine Mistake

March 16, 2008 | Books,Family,Work

It seems Nataly at Work It, Mom! is in a bit of a pickle. She signed up Leslie Bennetts to write a series of articles over the next 10 weeks called “10 Reasons Working Moms Should Feel Great About Themselves,” based on her book The Feminine Mistake: Are We Giving Up Too Much? (now out in paperback). The first article was called, “Reason number one: Working women are happier.” Nataly is surprised by the reaction.

I won’t comment on the article. I’ll just send you to my review of The Feminine Mistake. I think that covers it.

Oh, wait. One thing. Who planted daffodils today?

Show of hands?

Posted by Becky @ 10:33 pm  

5 Responses to “Revisiting Leslie Bennetts and The Feminine Mistake”

  1. Veronica Mitchell Says:

    I couldn’t plant any daffodils today. I was just too depressed about the misery of staying home with my kids. Do you think if I try to be as considerate, accurate and fair-minded as Bennetts, I can finally be happy?

  2. magpie Says:

    Um, aren’t you supposed to plant daffodils in the fall?

  3. PunditMom Says:

    I just can’t believe that Work It! Mom is surprised that a bunch of us take exception with what Bennetts has to say and how she says it.

  4. Nataly Says:

    Hi Becky — just read your review of her book, very thoughtful.

    I don’t know if I am in a pickle :) but I did feel that I should clarify — what surprised me were emails and comments from members saying WIM should not have published the piece NOT the comments on the piece itself. (I did write the blog post while on heavy cold medicine dose but I’m pretty sure that that’s what I said.)

    I enjoy your blog, keep it up.

  5. Deep Muck Big Rake » Books: No Excuses Says:

    […] posts Books: The Feminine Mistake by Leslie Bennetts Revisiting Leslie Bennetts and The Feminine Mistake Leslie Bennetts stars in ‘Dude, Where’s My Car?’ Bennetts: Men shirk chores […]

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