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Amazing travel experiences

March 31, 2008 | Books,Traveling

I can’t post photos, so how about a regular ol’ chat?

(I can’t get my comments in e-mail, and I’ve been running into all kinds of suck with my blog lately. As in, my blog just quit and I lost this entire thing. But … that’s a whole other post.)

Alisa answered my question about most amazing travel experience and then asked what mine was.

Like Alisa, I don’t have just one.

1) My first trip to Norway and seeing the mountains and fjords from the plane. It took my breath away.

2) Making it to the top of a mountain. More than once.

3) Keeping in touch with people I’ve met while traveling, even though maybe the only thing we shared was coffee while waiting for the train.

4) Being pleasantly surprised to find the “reputation that preceded them” wasn’t always the case. French people who spoke English in France. (Shh! I’m not supposed to tell.) New Yorkers who took the time to give directions, some even walking out of their way to help.

5) Italy.

Posted by Becky @ 10:14 pm | 3 Comments  

Books: Nineteen Minutes


I just read Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult … in about 19 minutes. OK. It was more like a day and 19 minutes. Anyone else?

Posted by Becky @ 9:25 am | Comments  

Mommy’s Time Out wine

March 28, 2008 | I'm kidding


But does it come with a babysitter?

Posted by Becky @ 12:20 pm | 4 Comments  

Books: Tales of a Female Nomad


I just finished reading Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World by Rita Golden Gelman. Amazing.

What’s your most amazing travel experience?

Posted by Becky @ 10:25 am | 2 Comments  

Picking nit: Sometimes it the small thing that count

Picking nits

Technical difficulties, apparently, with servers. I posted this Monday, then it disappeared. I’m putting it back up and hoping it stays. I’ll also try to piece together the comments … just so you know, if they look weird.

I need to learn how to back up my blog. Does anyone do this? What do you recommend?

This front-page, above-the-fold* gem went out to million of readers this morning.


The newspaper spend thousand of dollars on, oh, dozen of copy editors. Maybe there a severe shortage of letter s at the end of word.

*I had to laugh when I saw a reference to “above the fold” regarding online advertising, as in, “Our ad must appear above the fold.” Because, you know, blogs don’t “fold.” But it’s an old newspaper term and, I suppose, hard to let go. Sort of like “dialing” a telephone, even though it doesn’t have a rotary dial. Or “taping” a favorite show, even though the digital video recorder has no videotape.

What outdated terms do you find amusing?

Posted by Becky @ 9:30 am | 2 Comments  

Clinton, Obama to discuss war on MTV tomorrow night

March 19, 2008 | 2008 campaign,Afghanistan,Barack Obama,Hillary Clinton,Iraq

I recently said I doubted Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., or Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., would end the war as president. Marking the fifth year of the war in Iraq, “experts” are now saying the war is probably not even at the halfway mark.

Clinton and Obama will appear on MTV on Thursday at 6 p.m. (EST) to answer questions from young war veterans.

Both spoke about the war today: Obama in North Carolina and Clinton in Washington, D.C.

Update: Hmm. Maybe not. It’s 6:10 p.m., and MTV is still playing Parental Control. I don’t see Clinton or Obama anywhere. Update: Hmm. I guess it would help if I realized that today is Wednesday.

Posted by Becky @ 3:56 pm | Comments  

Picking nits: Bumper sticker

March 17, 2008 | Picking nits

Seen on a bumper last week: If you can read this, your too close.

Umm, actually? If I can read this, I’m close enough to correct you’re spelling.

Posted by Becky @ 12:39 pm | 2 Comments  

Revisiting Linda Hirshman


Why did New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer cheat? Because his wife was an “opt-out revolutionary.” She “quit her day job.” And it’s all her fault. Right. Because husbands whose wives don’t opt out? They never cheat.

Posted by Becky @ 9:00 am | 3 Comments  

Revisiting Leslie Bennetts and The Feminine Mistake

March 16, 2008 | Books,Family,Work

It seems Nataly at Work It, Mom! is in a bit of a pickle. She signed up Leslie Bennetts to write a series of articles over the next 10 weeks called “10 Reasons Working Moms Should Feel Great About Themselves,” based on her book The Feminine Mistake: Are We Giving Up Too Much? (now out in paperback). The first article was called, “Reason number one: Working women are happier.” Nataly is surprised by the reaction.

I won’t comment on the article. I’ll just send you to my review of The Feminine Mistake. I think that covers it.

Oh, wait. One thing. Who planted daffodils today?

Show of hands?

Posted by Becky @ 10:33 pm | 5 Comments  

Books: Tales of a Female Nomad


Up next:

Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World by Rita Golden Gelman. I’ve read only 12 pages, and I like her already.

Posted by Becky @ 4:36 pm | 1 Comment  


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