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Books: Life of Pi

January 29, 2008 | Books


I just finished reading Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Anyone else? What did you think?

Posted by Becky @ 2:02 pm  

7 Responses to “Books: Life of Pi”

  1. Arwen Says:

    I liked the book by the end but it took a long time to like it. I wanted to believe at the end, but I don’t think I ever really did.

  2. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah Says:

    Meh. Overrated.

  3. Julie Says:

    I enjoyed it, but I kept searching for the deeper meaning the author implied was there. I don’t think it really was.

  4. landismom Says:

    I liked it a fair amount–I read it last year, around the same time that I read The Alchemist and Blindness, two other allegories. Of the three, I’d say this one came in second to Blindness, and waaaaaaay ahead of The Alchemist.

  5. Alison Says:

    Loved it. Couldn’t put it down. Wrote about it briefly here and here.

  6. Deep Muck Big Rake » Books: The Glass Castle Says:

    […] often struck by how some of them fit together. Does that make sense? This sequence of books (Life of Pi, The Girls, Three Cups of Tea, The Glass Castle) was compiled by suggestions and votes from a […]

  7. Deep Muck Big Rake » Books: 2008 in review Says:

    […] Life of Pi by Yann Martel [Wasn’t as good as the author thought he it was.] […]

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