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Viva Viagra? Oh, no, they didn’t!

November 4, 2007 | Advertising,PR


Oh, yes. They did. Think that’s cheesy? Check out Pfizer’s official Viagra Web site. Yeesh.

I realize this commercial started airing earlier this summer, but I just heard it for the first time last week. Lisa Marie Presley has called it “revolting,” but she doesn’t own the rights to the song so she has no control over it.

Who knows. If Elvis were still around, maybe he’d be tempted to sing it himself.

Posted by Becky @ 10:33 pm  

6 Responses to “Viva Viagra? Oh, no, they didn’t!”

  1. `ChewY` Says:

    I said blue pill make me lucky
    Keep on working…

  2. Meagan Francis Says:

    The really sad thing? My kids saw it before I could catch them, and now they are walking around the house singing “Viva…Viagra!”

    I keep saying: “Vegas. VEGAS!!!”

  3. creative-type dad Says:

    Hey- that’s one catchy tune.

    I’ll be singing that one the next time I drink too much.

  4. Deep Muck Big Rake » Speaking of Viagra … Says:

    […] out, Viva Viagra boys. Seems your little blue pills might be “chipped” with RFID (Radio Frequency […]

  5. Miranda Says:

    Another reason my tv is usually tuned to public television. The oldest child knows the real version, I don’t need her questioning those lyrics!

  6. Deep Muck Big Rake » AC/DC sells their souls to … Says:

    […] What’s next? Viagra commercials? […]

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