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Books: The Optimist’s Daughter

October 3, 2010 | Books

I just finished reading The Optimist’s Daughter by Eudora Welty. After two years living in this town, I finally found my way to the college library. Got a card, even. And I checked out this book. It’s practically brand-spanking new, and it’s only been checked out twice before: in 1980 and in 1986. All three stamps are October. How odd. Must be the time of year for reading Eudora Welty?

I know she won a Pulitzer for this, and I adored her book about writing, One Writer’s Beginnings, but, dang. I didn’t like this one. I’m not sure why. Wonder what the other two people who read this particular copy of the book thought of it.

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am | Comments  


May 15, 2010 | Family

Photo by Sue Ranta

2 college degrees
1 park
1 judge
2 violins
1 photographer
2 forlover
10 Norwegians
30 people in all
1 vase
1 rose
6 cities
4 states
2 countries
5 fireplaces
2 spiral staircases
1 barn
3 motorcycles
1 minivan
1 dip with piranhas by the coral reef
2 sunburns in London
1 La Fête Nationale in France
1 hilarious rollercoaster ride
3 beautiful children
17 years of marriage
20 years of togetherness
Thousands of laughs
Some tears
Unlimited hugs
Never enough time

I totally stole this idea from Ilina over at Dirt & Noise.

Photo by Sue Ranta

Oh, how young and pretty we were. *sigh*

I removed my wedding dress from its sealed box two years ago on our 15th wedding anniversary. I could *almost* fit into it. I just needed a little exercise (or duct tape). I planned to rent a tuxedo, squeeze into my dress and have professional photographs taken. Then we moved to Iowa. I gained 40 pounds (and aged 10 years). So, yeah. Maybe in three years for our 20th. When we go back to Italy. I can lose that 40 pounds by then. I’m down 12 pounds since January, so that’s a start.

OK, but seriously.

I can’t remember where I found this, but I wrote it in a book I made for us 10 years ago.

Please take my hand
and walk with me a while.
We’ll talk of love beneath a tent of stars,
then journey through a life of golden days,
and I’ll be happy anywhere you are.

This is all I ask of life,
that our tomorrows be
as happy as the yesterdays
have been for you and me.

Just this I ask,
That every hour, each day, our lifetime through
will find you still in love with me,
as I will be with you.

To my husband: Thank you for showing me — every day — unconditional love, unqualified acceptance, true forgiveness, laughter, kindness, generosity and a beautiful human spirit. I’m so glad we found each other, oh, so many years ago. Happy anniversary.

Posted by Becky @ 6:00 am | 5 Comments  


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